Can CBD help with migraine pain? Here’s what the research says…
Painkillers help to lessen migraine pain but if you prefer a natural method of relief, could CBD oil be the answer?
Anyone who suffers from migraines knows that they can be a painful experience, often requiring sufferers to lie in a dark room for hours. Bright lights, strong smells and loud noises can all trigger intense prolonged pain accompanied by nausea and visual effects. Even the simplest movements can amplify the pain.
The start of a migraine can be predicted by a series of warning signs before it begins. Sufferers may have feelings of neck stiffness, feelings of malaise with some reporting dark spots, stars and lines in their vision.
How could CBD help?
Studies indicate that CBD has powerful analgesic (pain relieving) properties and anti-inflammatory agents which may help to treat migraines and headaches. It also could help to prevent any nausea.
It could also aid erratic sleep patterns and ease stress which contribute to migraine pain. Let’s take a look at some of the research.

Last year, researchers from Washington State University published a study that revealed information regarding ratios and migraines. In the study of 1,959 anonymous participants, researchers discovered that 50% saw a decrease in migraine pain while treating with cannabis compared to those who suffered more severe pain reporting greater effectiveness.
Assistant Professor at Washington State University, Carrie Cuttler, said:
“We were motivated to do this study because a substantial number of people say they use cannabis for headache and migraine, but surprisingly few studies had addressed the topic.”
The information was submitted by 1,300 patients who used the Strainprint Medical Cannabis app over 12,200 times, tracking changes in their headaches from before and after cannabis use. Another 653 subjects used the app 7,400 times to track changes in their migraine severity.
This research also revealed that the effectiveness of the cannabis – the study focused on smokable and concentrates – was not affected by ratios of CBD to THC, meaning it could be something else such as terpenes or other lesser known cannabinoids that contributed to its success in this patient group.
The researchers concluded:
“Results indicate that cannabis reduces migraine severity regardless of the type, dose, THC or CBD content.”
There appears to be a trend in research where CBD and THC are investigated against one another where migraine investigations are concerned. While we couldn’t find a recent study which focused solely on the affects of CBD against migraine, the combination of THC and CBD on this sore topic are promising. The lack of CBD-specific studies highlights a potential niche for more research in this area.
Cuttler, whose recent work focuses on examining links between cannabis use and mental health, added:
“My hope is that this research will motivate researchers to take on the difficult work of conducting placebo-controlled trials. In the meantime, this at least gives medical cannabis patients and their doctors a little more information about what they might expect from using cannabis to manage these conditions.”

What’s the best way to take CBD?
Popping a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue is one of the fastest way to absorb CBD via the mucosal membrane (the lining of the wall of the mouth). There are also gummies, capsules and vape options.
Peppermint essential oils are often used to help with migraine and headache pain. There are many CBD oils infused with peppermint extract.
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