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CBD 101: Frequently asked questions about CBD

It can be difficult to know where to start with CBD. So many products and buzzwords to get your head around. It’s a real minefield.

With that in mind, we’ve answered a few of the key questions to get you started on your CBD journey.

Q: What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. The compound is abundant in hemp, which is a species of cannabis.

Unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychotropic, so it will not get you ‘high.’

Q: What is THC?

THC is what gives cannabis its psychotropic or ‘high’ effect. THC is a controlled drug so only appears in tiny quantities, if at all, in most CBD oils.

High-THC CBD oils are more prevalent in places where recreational cannabis is legal, such as California.

Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay

Q: Will I fail a drug test from taking CBD?

You may fail a drug test from using a CBD product that contains THC.

Drug tests are geared towards identifying THC, not CBD or other cannabinoids. If you consume CBD that has a small amount of THC in it, it may register on the test.

Q. What does CBD feel like?

CBD users may feel relaxed, less stressed and less anxious as a result of taking CBD. Many people take it to help them manage sleep and anxiety disorders.

In a 2019 study, CBD contributed to a 79.2% reduction in anxiety and 66.7% improvement in sleep within the first month.

Q. What are terpenes?

Terpenes are essential oils found in different plants.

There are roughly 200 terpenes found in cannabis. They give plants their particular smells and flavours.

Different terpenes can work well with cannabinoids such as CBD and THC to produce extra benefits. This is referred to as the ‘entourage effect.’

Q. What is the difference between isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum products?

CBD isolate is just that: CBD without any other cannabinoids present. It’s a great option for those who would like a consistent, measurable CBD dose without any THC.

Broad spectrum contains CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes found in the plant but none of the THC.

Like isolate, broad spectrum is a great choice for anyone who has regular drug tests.

Full spectrum is full plant extract with all the cannabinoids and terpenes found in that plant.

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

Q. How is CBD taken and how do I know what is right for me?

There are a lot of different ways to consume CBD. How to take it depends on a number of factors, such as availability, taste and convenience.

Four easy ways to start taking CBD:


Pop a drop under your tongue so it is absorbed sublingually. If you are not sure about the taste of CBD, some brands make flavoured versions which mask the taste.


CBD can be added to anything edible. It can often be found can be found in gummies and lollipops.

Edibles offer a slower release than tinctures as the system takes longer to break the food stuff down for absorption.


Topicals are great for muscular pain as they can be applied directly to the area. They are available in creams, lotions, balms and gels. They are also great for skin conditions such as acne.

E-liquid (Vaping)

CBD vaping can be a great way to get a quick dose if travelling with tinctures is difficult. It’s one of the fastest ways to absorb CBD into the system but you may need to redose more frequently.

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