Feeling extra blue? Here’s how you can conquer the Blues everyday and Blue Monday.
From money concerns to lockdown 3.0, this year there are more reasons than ever to make us worry.
The third Monday of any new year has long been dubbed as Blue Monday – the most depressing day of the year. CBD to the rescue?
Blue Monday is the name given to what is referred to as the most depressing day of the year. The name started in 2005 by a psychologist, Cliff Arnall, when a travel company asked him for a ‘scientific formula’ for seasonal sadness.
While some have labelled the day a myth, there is nothing fake about minding our mental health. In recent years, many have explored CBD when it comes to lifting moods.
Let’s see if CBD might be able to help.

A long-wait between pay days and heightened outgoings over the festive period often leads to financial pressures in the new year. Increased levels of anxiety can have an effect on our happiness levels and also our ability to get a good night’s sleep.
A study found that CBD can not only help with depression, but it could help with anxiety too. This particular study showed there was a positive interaction between CBD and a crucial neuro-receptor which is linked to anxiety.
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is at its peak this time of year as people struggle to cope with the long dark nights, lack of Vitamin D and the uninviting cold weather.
A study looked at how CBD could make a difference to people who struggle with this disorder. Participants in the study were given 400mg of CBD or a placebo. Researchers discovered that those given CBD reported less anxiety than those on the placebo. Which suggests it may work for those who struggle with the winter blues.

If you are feeling depressed, anxious or blue, getting good quality sleep can be a nightmare. Falling asleep and staying asleep can be really difficult.
A case study from 2019 examined if CBD could make a difference to this while tackling anxiety which is often the root cause. It involved 72 participants with 47 of those experiencing anxiety and 25 suffering from poor sleep. They were given 25mg of CBD daily then recorded their feelings. The researchers noted that 79.2% recorded their anxiety felt lower and 66.7% said their sleep had improved after just the first month.
Treat yourself!
It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to taking CBD. Here are some of our self-care favourites to get you on the right road to recovery.

Somino CBD Bath Bomb. Eucalyptus and Peppermint. £9.99

Naturecan CBD Infused Double Chocolate Brownie. £2.59

Vegan Hot Chocolate and CBD Gift Box £16- £66