New hemp strain offers double the amount of CBD
CBD industry leaders Charlotte’s Web have developed a new hemp strain that offers twice as much CBD
The new hemp strain has also proven to be resistant to cold climates.
Official documents relating to this “new and distinct hemp cultivar designated as CW2A” report that the cold-resistant plant contains as little as 0.27 percent THC.
The hemp can contain up to 6.24 percent CBD, while plants commonly used for CBD cultivation normally have around three percent.
Charlotte’s Web holds the patent for the new hemp strain
They will be the only brand that can cultivate it and they are protected against replicas from other companies.
This is the first time a patent has been awarded for a hemp plant.
Patent attorney Andrew Merickel explained the purpose of the parent to Leafy:
“[It prevents] other people from developing their own strain that might have similar characteristics; it’s being able to protect this strain that you’ve developed with the characteristics you want, that has an advantage in the marketplace”